Wednesday 6 September 2017



Now, at the start of the year if you'd had said to me I'd be seeing in my birthday in a pool in Ibiza covered in glitter with my best friend & Shane 21 Northampton (lovely guy) I'd have said "sorry pal you've got the wrong gal". For a start, I don't wear any of that glitter shit, in my head I think I'm a bit classy for that, but who am I kidding (myself apparently). Secondly, I would have told you I'm engaged, I'm saving for a house and I cant really afford a holiday, let alone the 3 I've ended up having. It's funny how things change in the space of a year, or even a few months. At the start of the year I was settled, and not in the good way. More like I had settled. I was doing what I thought I should be doing at my age. I was probably going to buy a house in the next few years, might get a dog or have a couple of kids at some point and maybe even push the boat out and get a spiralizer. When everything was turned on it's head and my sensible plan was thrown out of kilter I didn't know how I would cope. It was going to go one of two ways; I was either going to do a 2007 Britney or I'd blossom like one of those really instagramable trees that flood our feeds every Spring. Luckily for me, it has was the latter. With the help of my family, friends and my holidays I have come out of the other side & found the old me again, as cringe as that sounds (& I know it does).
When I was in Ibiza I even felt love again. Not like the love I'd known the last few years, it was like the love you have when you're at school or in Love Actually. He was a lifeguard and the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Even more beautiful than Idris Elba or Ant Middleton off the SAS programmes, who we all love. He would smile at me and at first I thought I had heat stroke. You know when you've been in the sun too long and you're all dizzy & a bit shaky. Your legs feel a bit funny & it's touch and go whether you might pass out or not. Well it was like that. Then I thought, hold on a minute... I'm not ill. This is love. Glorious love. Love at first sight.
 Now granted I'm back in the real world and have the worst holiday blues I've ever had. I  cried at the airport on the way home & have had a lot of G&T's since I've been home, just to try and desperately cling onto holiday mode. Ultimately though, I think I'm the happiest I have been for a lot of years. I have a great tan, great friends & a lot more memories to make.
I think Ibiza will be one of my fondest memories for many many years to come, not only because of the timing of it, but just because we had an amazing time. We made friends, had some very strange encounters that no one else will ever understand and danced to a man with no legs playing Mama Mia on the penny whistle. We laughed on our sandy bed until we cried, laid in the sun all day long, swam in the sea & talked about our secrets over a bowl of Padron peppers. We watched the sun set from the best spot on the island whilst Hot Since 82 was playing & Mollie touched Craig David (not at the same time mind you).

 If you're planning on going to Ibiza DO go to the old town. It's so pretty and there are some of the most insane yacts I've ever seen. I'd go as far to say they're more impressive than the ones at Marbella & I thought they were the big kahunas. We would sit drinking cocktails, Googling who owned the biggest yachts & how much they were worth. One was Dolce & Gabanas and Jesus Christ it was something else. Another one was $156million. How the other half live hey. The streets there are also super pretty. They're all winding and cobbled & have little restaurants nestled in them with fairy lights and cascading creeper plants. I did see a man smashing a crab at one of the restaurants, which somewhat clouded my idyllic view, but I'll push that one to the back of my head for now (& forever).
DONT go down the strip. For the love of God, if I have one bit of advice for Ibiza this is it. Unless you're into ketamine & being forcefully grabbed, in which case its 100% for you. For us though, it was the worst 10 minute walk of out lives. Even worse than when you're walking to the Dr for your smear test. I will definitely go back to Ibiza (if not just for the 10/10 lifeguard) but I will never ever set foot down that strip again.
So whilst I sit here, with a heavy heart reliving the memories through these photos, I also have the biggest smile on my face. Thanks Ibiza.




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