Monday, 19 November 2012


Hi there, 

I'm sorry for my lack of outfit posts lately... I dropped my camera & as a result have smashed the living bejesus out of it. It was pretty crap anyway, but now I am left cameraless. My boyfriend has said he will get me one for Christmas, so until then im afraid my blog might run a bit thin on the old ground. Please bare with me. Hopefully it will give me a chance to stash up on goodies to show you!

In the absence of said camera I thought i'd take a moment to explain my blog name. 
The Raggy Dolls was a childhood favourite cartoon of mine. The characters were 7 toys who weren't quite as perfect at they were designed to be but they still had a jolly old time. Silly it may sound, but I have always felt like a bit of a Raggy Doll... Im clumsy (as evident from my camera incident), a bit scruffy and just a bit odd to be honest. I was also born with a condition called Situs Inversus, which means all my organs are they wrong way round. So im a real life Raggy Doll! I would have deffinately been put in the reject bin! So I do take comfort in those little toys that are a bit different to all the others, & sad as this is, I do have a cheeky listen to the theme tune when im feeling a bit down. There are some wise words in that intro.


Amen to that.


Monday, 12 November 2012


Sorry for the distinct lack of posts lately! I have been a bit busy, i've been writing a few fashion articles for a new online magazine as well...which is here if you'd like to have a sneaky peak.
 I am aware this post is a little boring but i am really really loving checks at the moment, so i popped a few of my faves up for you. I brought the Topshop velvet treggings the other day online so i shall probably be recieving a little package in the post bright and early tomorrow. I LOVE POST! Well, clothes post... i got a letter not so long ago to say i owed a bob or two of tax, so that wasn't as fun. 
I absolutely want the All Saints coat, what an absolute corker!

I will stop being rubbish and pop some outfit posts up soon. promise. I've got a wedding next weekend and i've got a banging little Zara dress to wear so i shall share that with you.

Peace out.

(who says that?!)

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