Friday 15 September 2017


1. A trench coat is always going to be a good investment.
2. It's 'Espresso' not 'Expresso'
3. Don't go out with someone who has to convince you that its a good idea - it wont work. (I realise it worked out well in The Notebook, so if it's Ryan Gosling whose hassling you then I'll make an exception... otherwise let it go).  
4. Don't attempt to wax your own body parts (you may or may not get your nail stuck to your boob).

5. Got a cut? Put Sudocrem on it. Had a bad skin day? Put Sudocrem on it. Got a rash or burn? Put Sudocrem on it. Someone cut your arm off? Put Sudocrem on it.
6. Don't store your eye make-up remover and nail varnish remover in close proximity.
7. Your school days really are the best of your life. Those adults were not just saying it for a laugh.
8. Don't try rings on in Topshop or any other high street shop for that matter. They'll get stuck, you'll panic, your fingers will swell - vicious cycle.

9. If you love someone, a dog, grandparent, friend or boy... tell them before you cant. You'll regret it forever if you don't.
10. It's not a good idea to pierce your own ears.
11. Chilli tastes like that for a reason, its not to be eaten. It's mother natures way of giving you a heads up... listen to her.

12. If your boyfriend doesn't come home & tells you he fell asleep at his friends, he didn't.
13. Multi coloured cord flares do not & never will look good.
14. Don't wear see through knickers to the Chiropractor (unless he's attractive, in which case the more transparent the better).

15. Tom Cruise is a dick.
16. When you're 12 years old & your parents tell you to put £10 of your birthday money in the bank, do it. it will seem like a shit idea & you don't know what you're saving for, but you will thank them later. Not only for the bank balance but for instilling the value of money & importance of saving in you.
17. Ray Bans are called Ray Bans because they ban the suns rays. (I know!)

18. Don't go to uni because you feel you should. I made that mistake twice. It's not always the logical step and a degree is certainly not the be all & end all.
19. Ink erasers are not made of pigs wee, contrary to popular belief.
20. "It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice".
21. The customer is not always right.

22. If you're not sure which subject to take at GSCE or A level, take business studies. You might never think you will need it, but there might come a day when you will. I took Philosophy & Ethics instead to fill a gap. I can tell you a fair bit about religion & can talk a mean debate on fox hunting, but I had to teach myself to do everything when I started my business from scratch.
23. People who don't like dogs are not to be trusted.
24. The bottom tray of a Vienetta is not made of chocolate. 

25. Whoever said Gin is a depressant is a massive liar.
26. There are two types of people in the world, radiators & drains. Surround yourself with radiators.
27.Go into work with a smile on your face, even if you don't feel like it. It will start your day on the right track, make you feel better & people appreciate a positive attitude. No one really wants to be there, so just make it as nice & easy as possible for each other.

28. Be nice. Be kind. To everyone and everything. Don't kill spiders or wasps & rescue worms if they're stuck on the pavement in the rain. You will need someone to be kind to you one day. If I ever get reincarnated as a bug and I'm stuck in someone's bath, I hope someone like me will dangle some toilet roll in and aid me to safety rather than washing me down the plug hole for convince.

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