I was toying with the idea of this post either being a reflection on the year or my new years resolution, but I didn't know where to even start reflecting on last year. I wouldnt even know which word to start with first or how to summerise it, so i've gone with a resolutions post, although I guess it might be a bit of a mix of both.
New Years Resolutions are Marmite aren't they, you either love them or hate them. I'm quite good with mine. I try and always set myself one, but something really small and realistic, otherwise I know I'll break it. One year, probably about 4 years ago, my resolution was to print all my photos from my phone as the year went along and put them in an album, and I still do it now (if you haven't already got the Free Prints App, then get it.) Then one year I had pass my driving test and I did that to. This year my resolution is going to be a little bit different...
...Be strong. I've always been a bit of a feeble little mortal but the last few months have been bordering on outrageous. I think what happened was I had a really traumatic first few months of the year (which maybe only just caught up with me recently) and I put all my efforts into feeding my soul. Which I did do, very very well. But I forgot to feed my body, both metaphorically and literally. I went on lots of holidays, surrounded myself with funny, amazing , kind people and went out A LOT. I had some of the best times ever, my heart was full and mentally I felt top notch, but physically something had to give. I was "preparing" for these holidays by literally eating leaves a couple of weeks before jetting off and my food to alcohol ratio was some what questionable. I was forgetting to take my vitamins and the only exercise I did was slut dropping to Jason Derulo in my local club. Great for the gluteus maximus, but that's about it. So then September came & BAM, I got ill. I have been ill on & off ever since with various things (I won't go into details). Not colds & coughs though, but actual numerous hospital visits, antibiotics & tablets & scans. I've actually become quite friendly with the lady on my local pharmacy, although last time I was there she said "you must spend a fortune in here", which is absolutely never a good sign. I've still got a few tests to be done in January and I've got 3 weeks left on some of my antibiotics but most of the specialist I've seen have put my illness's down to stress and a low immune system. Which I kind of don't believe when they tell me. I said to one of the specialists at the hospital "but its not like I'm Teresa May?"... I'm not under anywhere as near as much stress as some people, but I suppose after a horrendous start to the year it may have been building & and has just started manifesting itself. Also, I might just have to accept that I am more fragile than most people & have to work hard to stay healthy. I got shingles a couple of weeks ago to, which is a sign of being run down & I think that was the final straw for me. I'd had enough of laying in bed, unwashed feeling like shit. I need to look after myself properly & the New Year is a great opportunity for a fresh start.
I've actually started already, I've looked into a lot of supplements & probiotics I need to take, I've been eating a lot more & I've been going to the gym to actually work out rather than sitting on the leg press checking out the boys for half an hour and then coming home. So bring on 2018 & lets hope I can stay healthy, happy & strong, otherwise I fear I'm one illness away from 2007 Britney.