Monday, 30 September 2013



Bringing out the fuzzy cardigans
Catching up with old friends by candlelight
Hotel room view at 3am
My boys colourful arms
Textures & autumn reds
My jazzy shirted old friend
Sleepy morning mocha
London tattoo convention
Bad hair day
Day off breakfast pancakes
Cape Town Fish Market birthday meal
Rooftop wine with palls




Saturday, 21 September 2013


So I have made the exciting transition from being obsessed with grey to obsessed with black. I really am pushing the boat out now! 
Theres something about a black canvas with red & gold accents that I just can't get enough of at the moment. I think it looks tasty.
The photo of the Topshop coat really doesn't do it justice. It is such an amazing fit & shape in real life, & it's only £58, which I think is a barg. I'm gonna get me one tomorrow. HOORAH!

Let me know what you think.



Friday, 20 September 2013



Dress - Topshop Boutique
Denim Jacket - Topshop 
Necklace - Pieces 

So lately it seems that I am finding my self drawn to ill fitting dresses & a cheeky bit of side boob.
God knows why.


Saturday, 14 September 2013


I am all about the texture right now!

So London Fashion Week is well under way, but I wanted to flash back a little bit to New York Fashion week and share one of my favourite collections with you.
I am all over this!
 Dense layers of fringing, smooth creaseless fabrics with metallic accents, Paper thin pleats topped with cracked foil, silky chiffons against leather look panels & thick structured tops, three quarter length hems, tinsel dresses, creamy nudes & chunky platformed shoes.

It just makes me want to layer myself in all sorts of fabrics & textures. I feel so enthused that I could go into the garage and wrap myself in a black bin bag, carry a mop head as a clutch and strut up my garden path! 
I probably shouldn't though.

Let me know your thought & check out the full collction below...



Tuesday, 10 September 2013


 Hi there palls!
 I've been nominated by the wonderful Michael Anthony from Anything & Everything for a Liebster award! I am very pleased & it has wamred the little cockles of my heart. It's such a great way to connect bloggers & a way for you to get to know me a little better.
These are the rules: 

  • Each nominee should answer 11 questions from the person who nominated them
  • Choose 11 bloggers with under 200 followers to pass the award to and link them in your post
  • Tell them about their nomination 
  • No tag backs

Questions from Anything & Everything

 What inspires you to blog? 
I was first inspired to blog because I had so much jiggling round in my head about new trends, collections, outfits, inspiration & other bits, & no one really to share it with. So for me it's all about connecting and sharing with like minded people.

  How long have you been blogging for?
Since Febuary 2012. 
At times I feel in a rut with it, but I love blogging & plan to continue... until maybe i'm 84 or 85.

  What opportunities have you received through blogging?
Working with a couple of brands, connecting with other bloggers, being invited to a few blogging events... but my favourite is probably being able to discover small or upcoming online shops & brands. I love finding little treasures.
  Savoury or Sweet tooth?
Savoury everytime! I'd much rather have a block of cheese than a block of choclate.

  Where would you like to see your blog go in the future? 
 I'd just like it to continue to grow & bring me the opportunity to work with & meet more brands & bloggers.

  A fellow blogger that inspires you? 

Audrey Leighton from Be Frassy.
She stays true to herself but keeps current, mixes fun with chic & has created a brand around herself. She is working on her first collection which I cannot wait for! 
 Most talked about topic on your blog? 
Clothes followed by make-up followed by my dog!! 
  Your top 5 celebrities who you love?
Jennifer Aniston.
Jill Robinson from Animals Asia. 
Harry Styles.
Alexander Wang's Neice Aila!
Rylan Clark!! (I want to be his BFF) 
   Favourite TV show? 
FRIENDS! For sure! 
Without even exaggerating I watch it nearly every night i'm home. It helps me sleep & have happy dreams. 
 What type blogs do you love to read?
 Well other fashion & style blogs firstly, but I also love beauty blogs. Despite being a bit scruffy, I am a real girly girl & love make-up, hair & beauty products. I love reading reviews, I find them so helpful. 
   Favourite 3 music artists? 
I have a real weird old mixture of tastes in music & don't really have favourites but heres a few...
Spice girls... I will love them most forever & the 90's were the best! Keaton Henson, & I love The King Blues as well. 
Oh and I know its supposed to be 3 but I can't leave out Queen B!

 For nominees that I tag through twitter here are 11 questions that I would love to read about you!!
1.How would you describe your blog in 3 words?
2. Which other blogger inspires you most?
3. Apart from blogging what do you like to do in your spare time?
4. What is your dream job?
5. How long have you been blogging?
6. What are your 3 favourite brands?
7. Who is your hero?
8. Who is your favourite designger?
9. What are you proud of?
10. What is your favourite item of clothing that you own?
11. Which celebrites inspire you with their style?


Monday, 9 September 2013



So you may have seen briefly in my last instagram post about my Deliliah Dust tee. They mainly sell jewelley at their online shop, but I think they are starting to branch into t.shirts to. Which is fabulous! I love their ideas already & they're really affordable. Im a huge fan of a good old white slogan tee & I love the font on this one. 
I think in hindsight it looks better loose... but you get the gist.

My jeans are Vero Moda, my clutch is vintage, My sunnies are Zero UV & my hat is Topshop.

Please do leave me any comments that may be inside your heads!



Sunday, 8 September 2013


 Wearing my new fave Bourjois Polish.
 THE BEST FOOD EVER... Yo Sushi chocolate Mochi.
Birthday shopping.
Arriving home to my new Deliliah Dust tee.
Champagne in our robes.
Birthday drink on the Thames.

SO last weekend was the best day of the year (except maybe Christmas) MY BIRTHDAY!!!
My boyfriend took me to London for the weekend to stay in a nice hotel & do a hefty bit of shopping. My favourite things to do!
I also went to Yo Sushi for the first time ever & I loved it! Their chocolate Mochi balls are literally the best thing known to man. I haven't stopped thinking about them!





Saturday, 7 September 2013


Top - Monki. 
Check Cigarette Trousers - Topshop.  
Necklace - Zara (is in store but not online)
Clutch - Pieces @ Vero Moda.
Polish - Bourjois 1 Seconde

So i'm off for some drinkies tonight with the girls & this is what i'm going to wear.

Not that exciting, I know, but I wanted to show you my new Monki tee. I absolutely love the colour & it's that lovely crepe fabric. It's also got a sweat style neckline which looks really cool. It's my new favourite basic for sure!

This Bourjois nail polish is my current shade of choice. I saw a similar one on someone the other day, it looked so poppin & really caught my eye, so I went & got my own. I love that it's all matchy matchy with my zara necklace, also poppy red & turquoise is my fave colour combo.   

Over & out.



Thursday, 5 September 2013


So I am not ashamed to say that I will never be too cool for Topshop... it is my one true highstreet love.

It was my birthday at the weekend, & my lovely boyfriend took me shopping in London. Oxford street Topshop is my first port of call, everytime without fail.
 There was soooo much I wanted, so I put together a few of my favourite pieces into an outfit.
I am absolutely besotted with these boots & wanted them so badly. However, sadly for me, the size 5 was way too small & my feet were falling out of the 6 when I walked. Both gutting & strange. 

Let me know what you think.

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