If this post has made me realise anything, it's that 1. I need some new boots, 2. I need a new background & 3. I still hate my short legs. Maybe if I get some new higher heeled boots that will kill 2 birds with one stone. Then I just need to find a new background to shoot with. I'm about 5ft 8, so not short, but I have such a long body and little legs. I hate it. It's not helped by the fact that one of my best friends has the most glorious long legs you've ever seen. When we go out I feel like a pair of Disney Villains... You know, when they always have the long tall one and the short stubby one? Well I'm the stubby one. I don't think I ever thought I would use the word 'stubby' so much in one post, but here I am doing it now.
Maybe it's just not a good day to be blogging. I'm having one of those days where I'm focusing on all my bad points. I'm sure you can all relate, we all get them. It's bad enough walking by a shop window and catching you're reflection when you're having an off day, let alone sitting here editing photos of myself. I also may or may not be listening to/watching Little Mix on Youtube at the same time. That's enough to hit anyone's self esteem right in the googlies. They're so dewy and toned and have so many black men grinding on them. I'm more flabby, need a good moisturise and am surrounded by dogs. One of which just dribbled on my leggings. Yes I am wearing leggings. Are they even still a thing?
Anyway, maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Maybe I will win the lottery, get a make up artist, personal trainer and have some mild plastic surgery. One can dream. But for now, I'm going to dwell on my off mood and eat some chocolate coins. It's the only currency that I have plenty of.