Monday, 27 February 2012


I absolutely love Planet Blues new look book. It features the gorgeous Gillian Zinser (or Ivy from 90210) who is the perfect muse for their trademark 'Calafornia girl' style. I have had a bit of a fashion crush on her for a while now but seeing this just makes me love her 10 times more. For me, being an aspiring stylist, the Planet Blue albums are like little internet treasure chests. They so easily manage to pull off a certain unique look which i cant quite put my finger on, but it always just oozes fun and warmth. I tell you what, if i lived in a warmer country i would certainly dress like that all the time! OOH i'd give my left arm to be involved in one of their photshoots!

To visit the stylist of Planet Blue click here. 
 ...Or you can visit the store here.


So this is just a little snippet to show you my boofitul new booties. They'de Denna & Ozzy and ive wanted them for ages so its nice to finally be able to trot around in them, even if it has only been on my manky patio so far! My blouse is from Vero Moda and its one of my favourites, i just love the print the fabric and the shape of it.
I've been getting really frustrated with everything lately, i just want to be doing everything now! i want to be styling shoots and getting this blog looking tip top and loads of other things. I've joined Look Book recently, but its difficult finding time to post outfits, and when i do i always find something wrong with them. Anyway, i just need to get my little rump into gear. rant over. sorry!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


So I went to London on Sunday and finally got my grubby little hands on a peice from Mary Katrantzou's collection, as promised. When i went down that escalator in Topshop and saw the section all layed out i felt a little bit sick with happiness! sad i know... but to have admired someone for so long and then to have something they have created in a pretty little bag all to yourself if such a good feeling. 
I hope youre all enjoying LFW as much as me, i've fallen a little bit in love with Peter Pilotto, which i will no doubt do a post about soon. GOOD DAY TO ALL YOU FINE FOLK. 
p.s... i have to share this little picture below with you, my hairy BFF Nella decided to make her blogging debut. I particularly like the Fur Coat she is sporting. Chic. 


Wednesday, 15 February 2012



Sunday, 12 February 2012


      Words cannot descibe how excited I am for Mary Katrontzou's new collection for Topshop to launch on Friday. It gives me the heebeegeebies! I just remember the baffled feeling I got when I first discovered her Autumn/Winter 2009-10 collection in college a couple of years ago. I was baffled in a good way, a very good way. I just hadn't really seen engineered prints done in such a way before, and ever since ive just been in awe of her. Im supposed to be saving up for a holiday but theres no way im going to let one of the bad boys from this collection slip through my fingers!


Friday, 3 February 2012


These are from a recent photoshoot i did with my good friend and photographer Phil Hewitt and model Anastazja Rendak. I had real fun researching for it and became obsessed with stockings, tartan and dr martins... although my favourite item from the shoot was a cow print head scarf i found in a charity shop, What a gem! Collections from Danielle Scutt and House Of Holland also provided me with a good source of inspiration. I love the end result, but its funny how when you get photos back there is so much i'd like to change, id especially love to add a bangin pair of creepers in there somewhere. Its all part of the learning curve though i guess!

Hello There!

Hello there! Im Helen and i am awful with technology so you're going to have to bare with me on this one until ive learnt some tricks of the trade. I have been meaning to start a blog for ages but im pretty illiterate with a computer, so have only just got round to it with the help of a lovely patient friend of mine. Im an aspiring fashion stylist from Suffolk and have created this blog to display my work, of which there is little at the moment but im really hoping to build on in the very near future. Also to share my interests with like minded people, its quite frustrating when you discover something amazing or find something truely inspiring and have no one to share it with. There will also probably be some unnecessary doodles along the way. So here it goes.
© ...By Helen. All rights reserved.
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