Friday 6 May 2016


I am by no means a beauty blogger. In fact, although I love make up, I hate the skincare. I find it SO daunting. There are so many products out there for different types of skin, that promise so much. I just don't know where to turn, and it's been that way for years. So, this year, my new years resolution was to get into a good skin care routine. Easier said than done. I didn't know where to start. I started trawling through numerous blogs and Youtube channels desperately looking for the brand that would solve all my skincare issues. After what felt like hours, a banging headache and even more confusion, I decided to try Liz earle.
The reviews all seemed really good, and there were even Youtube videos on how you should apply the products. Which for a clueless skincare moron like me, was just what I needed. So I went on to and invested in the whole lot. It arrived and looked and smelt divine. I used it for probably a week or two, before my whole face (including eye lids) started to literally flake. It was the driest my skin had ever been and was really uncomfortable. Especially around my eyes. They were so red and dry, everyone at work noticed and commented how sore they looked. It was that bad. So I can only assume that it was way too strong for my skin, or I had a reaction. So it all went back.
My plan B came in the form of Lush. Trusty ol' Lush that is mostly natural, doesn't test on animals and is everyones friend. I have had a lot of Lush products in the past, so my hopes were high. What could go wrong? I ordered the Ultra Bland cleanser and Enzymion moisturiser, I already have the tea tree toner water which I was going to use in combination. Again, it completely didn't suit my skin. It went rough and dry, and made my sore eyes flare up again. I emailed Lush and to their credit they were absolutely amazing. It was probably the best customer service I have received. They rang me up and were so friendly and quick to deal with the problem. They said I could send the products back and could also pick something complimentary that I have had before and knew suited my skin. How nice is that?
So, desperate for a solution for my crusty eyes and dry skin I went to the pharmacy. I thought she would prescribe me with some kind of over the counter cream to clear it all up, but alas she introduced my the La Roche Posay. I was a bit dubious about starting another whole routine, even though she promised me that this is exactly the sort of skin problems it is used for. So she kindly gave me some samples to try and off I went, feeling a bit more positive. I tried the eye contour cream first of all and couldn't believe it when my eyes cleared up in a matter of two or three days. It was so soothing and hydrating, so I gave the rest of the routine a go. I've been using it now for about 6 weeks are so far so good. Very good actually. I love the stuff and finally feel like I've found the perfect routine for my sensitive skin. I only use the Effaclar Duo at night time, in substitute of a overnight moisturiser, rather than twice as day... as it could become drying. Once is day is perfect though, it helps to reduce any redness and blemishes and just feel lovely and clean to put on before bed. I'm going to try the Effaclar H   moisturiser for the morning to prevent my skin from drying out.
Now, obviously everyones skin is different and I'm not saying these exact products will work the same wonders for you. The brand range is so big though, that I feel quite confident there is something for nearly all skin types and I would highly recommend it as a brand. The only other thing I will say, is that I stopped using my Mac foundation in combination with using these products. It took me a while to realise, but my Mac foundation really made my skin break out and didn't do me any favours. So I think cutting that out is also partly to thank. I now use Nars Sheer Glow  and find it's a lot kinder to my skin.
I hope this will help some of you that are as freaked out by the skin care world as I am!

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