Sunday 18 September 2016



So as I kind of mentioned in my last post, I have been super super busy with my illustration business at the moment. I'm eating, sleeping & breathing it, and I cant wait to share this project with you when it's done. But this morning, what with it being Sunday & all, I decided I needed a little break, so Josh and I went out for a massive brunch. When I say massive I am not lying, I feel like I will never eat again and I never want to see another hash brown as long as I live.
 I got this Zara jersey jumpsuit a few weeks a go when I had a little haul on their website, and this was the perfect outing for it. I am really tired (hence the sunglasses covering my make up-less sleepy eyes) and throwing on a comfy one piece was just what I needed. It also has a convenient elastic waist band which sits just above my bump. Food bump that is. Anyone that knows me will know I can pass as 6 months preggo when I've had a meal. Maybe even 7 months this morning. 
So I'm kind of sorry not sorry for this half hearted outfit, but I thought I'd share it with you anyway. The moral of this really short story is buy this jumpsuit, it's a bargain and is practically made for Sundays.
Over & out

1 comment

  1. this is the kinda outfit I love to wear on days where I'm in a rush to get to a uni lecture - comfy, casual, but still stylish!


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