Monday 7 December 2015


Topshop Boutique Dress (alternative colour) | Topshop Mules | Have Best Bucket bag | Missguided Camel Coat
I've got my work Christmas party coming up this weekend, so as all girls do, I've been pre planning what I'm going to wear. I've titled this post an 'alternative' Christmas party outfit, because it's not your typical glitzy, sparkly little festive number... because that is just not me! I literally cant think of anything worse than wearing a sequined bodycon dress. Don't get me wrong, that sort of thing looks amazing on some people, but it makes me feel like Pete Burns. If you don't know who that is, get on Google right now. So instead I've gone for a more casual Topshop Boutique stripe sweater dress. I actually had my eye on this little bad boy for a while, but it went out of stock pretty much as soon as it came in. Eventually, to my delight, I did manage to get my hands on one and this is a great excuse to wear it out. I'm going to pair it with my fave little Topshop mules and my trusty Missguided camel coat. I'll probably do a nice dark vampy mac lipstick to, I love a dark lip in the winter!
Over & Out


1 comment

  1. Love those mules. Need to find myself the perfect pair!

    Rachel |


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