Wednesday, 28 August 2013


 So as I buy masses of beauty products, I thought I might start blogging about it a little bit more. I may be wrong... but generally girls who love clothes tend to like make up, I know I do. I enjoy reading what other people are loving, so I thought i'd share a few of my very favourite products at the moment with you -

First off is the Maybelline Baby Lips lip balm , which has recently come over from America. There has been a lot of hype around these so I thought for £2.99 each, why not try them.
Honestly, you will not be dissapointed. 
I now carry one in my pocket wherever I go! These are my two favourite shades, Peach Kiss & Cherry, but you can also get plain balm ones.
 They're also 3 for 2 in Boots at the moment so stock up for sure!!

Another lip product, & my favurite of all time, Chanel Rouge Allure Luminous Intensive lip colour  in the shade Incandescente. 
I love everything about this. 
It's the perfect colour, it goes on so smoothly, doesn't dry out, lasts for ages & it feels like a little bit of luxary.
 I find this shade suits me best, I love darker purple and pink lipsticks but they look horrendous on me. If like me you have olivey skin, dark eyes & goldy brown hair it will be your new best friend.

Unfortunately, I was not blessed with pretty eyelashes. Mine are short and have no curl. An absolute bummer. They've also become really bad condition lately, and I must admit, I am not a huge fan of lash extensions. They're ok done very well and naturally, but i've seen too many bad examples that have put me right off. 
So I thought i'd try this No7 Fanomenal lash serum.
You are supposed to use it nightly for 8 weeks, i've only been using it for about 2 and already can see a difference. My lashes look longer and feel a lot stronger. (that rhymed)
So, at the moment, it is in my favourties.

This is an old friend of mine, the No7 Stay Perfect foundation.
I have literally been using this product since birth. Don't get me wrong, I have dappled in to the world of mousse, powder & other liquid foundations, but I always come back to this one. Firm favourtie!

The YSL Touche Eclat  is just the best product ever.
I have only been using it a few months, but I don't know how I went without it, & I hope I will never be parted with it again.
It is quite expensive, but I honestly think it is worth every penny... & it lasts ages. 
Boots also have £5 off at the moment on their website.

I always keep a bottle of Lush Tee Tree Toner water .
I get through quite a few throught they year! I use it before I moisturise in the morning, During the day if i'm not wearing make up or I am re doing it, & before I go to bed. 
It is just so refreshing & the tee tree just makes it feel like you're wiping any impurities away. 

I have tried so many mascaras, hoping that one will work some sort of miracle on my stumpy lashes & this is the best I have ever had. 
I think it't the brush that really makes the difference, it's one of those long plasticy type ones, which I find gets to the base of my lashes and pulls them upwards. 
Boots have these on offer at 2 for £14, & at £10.99 each that is a barg!

Let me know what you think, i'd love to hear your thoughts. Equally... if you think my beauty blogging is a no no then do feel free to say so! (I think that rhymed a little again to)







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