So there goes another year!
It was a mixed & quite tough one for me.
The start of the year my Dad was undergoing treatment for Cancer, which he beat. I wished for nothing more in the world than that news, but then I then lost my beloved Grandma a few months later. I have also lost my job this year, which is obiously very minor in comparsion. It's been all ups and downs!
I don't like to talk about personal things too much on my blog... cos no one wants to read that! But I just wanted to thank my readers & followers for your support throughout the year. I love blogging, & at times it has been a welcome distraction to share all my fashiony thoughts with like minded people like you!
I chose to pop this little video in, because I think it has been my song of the year. I went to see Gabrielle Aplin with my best friend in a small local theatre a bit later in the year, after all this had happened. She was amazing & I have really happy memories from that night.
Heres to a year with more ups than downs!