Friday, 3 January 2014


So the other day I was looking through my Grandma's old photos with my cousin & we thought it was really sad that our grandchildren won't have photos to hold and look at. Everything is so digital & disposable, & I know I have never bothered to go down to boots with my little memory stick and print them.
So for new year I have decided to print my instagram photos to put in an album. 
I used 'Polargram' to do this & will certainly use them next time. It was so quick & easy, and for 24 photos it's only £7... or if you wanted 48 it's only £10! Deffinately worth it.
 As you can see they come in this cute polaroid style to, hense the name! (& they sent me a Maoam!)

Check them out here if you're thinking of doing the same.
 & If you'd like to follow me on Instgram between posts I am @HELEN_RAGGYDOLL




  1. Those polaroids are so lovely! I'm tempted to order some myself, it's such a good idea!x
    Sammydress Giveaway

    1. I'd deffinately reccomend it, it's so nice when they arrive and you have something to hold rather than scrolling through a phone :) x

  2. Amazing price! I love old pics, I def need to develop some to keep safe like she did all those years x

    1. I love old pics to :) I'm really determind to keep up printing them. It's a lot easier & cheaper than I thought, which is a massive plus x

  3. This is such a good idea! I'm sure that your grandchildren will appreciate the polaroids :)


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