Thursday 19 February 2015


I'm not really into all this whole Fifty Shades of Grey shabang... maybe it's because I haven't read the book, but then again I've never read a book in my life (sad but true.) Although I am for sure in to grey. Just grey. I've always been drawn to anything grey,I once counted my grey basic t.shirts and had about 20. Woops. So what better opportunity to share a few of my current grey lustings under this amusing little title.
To appreciate the full beauty of this Warehouse jacket, you need to take a peek at Hannah Crosskey's post over on A Fashion Fix. It's where I recently saw it and have been obsessing about it ever since. I've looked at it nearly every day, again very sad, but a sure fire sign that I must have it. I don't think the website really does it justice, Hannah has styled it to absolute perfection over on her blog.
Over & Out



  1. Those Zara trousers have been in my basket for so long now! Absolutely love this edit, if it's not black it has to be grey...


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