Saturday 25 July 2015



Neon Rose Raw Edge Blazer - c/o Ivy Joan  | V-Neck Tunic - Topshop | Double Strap Mules - Topshop (similar) | Catarzi Fedora - Asos  
I can't tell you how long I've been after a longline grey sleeveless blazer, so my day was made when the lovely Hayley from Ivy Joan came to my rescue with little Neon Rose bad boy.
If you haven't yet heard of Ivy Joan, they're an online lifestyle boutique, run from a studio in Suffolk where I live. Personally, when it comes to clothes I am a proud high street shopper and probably always will be. Although, when we're talking home ware, I love nothing more than a one off unique item with a tonne of character. Ivy Joan have everything perfectly covered for me, stocking clothing from brands such as Vero Moda & Neon Rose alongside vintage home ware and gifting. They're products are sourced world wide everywhere from quaint English village boot sales to flea markets in new York and stalls in Morocco. So whatever takes your fancy on their site, whether it be a turquoise porcelain deer or a pair of industrial lanterns, you can guarantee it will have a story to tell. If it's gifting you're after, they also offer a wide range of wall art that can all be personalised... and who doesn't love something made especially for them!
I'm moving out in a couple of weeks, so this website couldn't have come at a better time for me! Don't get me wrong I don't mind a bit of Ikea... but it doesn't excite me. Ivy Joan means that I can fill my home with character, without having to spend a fortune and a lot of time hunting out home ware treasures.
I've picked out a few of my favourite pieces from the website that you can shop by clicking the links below. Hayley from Ivy Joan has also very kindly offered my lovely readers a discount code, just type in HH001 at the checkout.
Happy shopping!



  1. I'm crushing in the blazer ! We're selling kind of the same in Topshop !


  2. I'm loving your hair
    and your jeans are perfect xx


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